What is the ruling of a bit of blood spilling on one’s garment, is the prayer correct in it?

Answered by our Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Sincere Adviser, Abu ‘Abdirrahman Yahya bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori – may Allaah preserve him –


What is the ruling of a bit of blood spilling on one’s garment, is the prayer correct in it?


There is some elaboration in regards to blood spilling on the garment:

If it is period blood or postpartum blood, then the prayer is not correct if the one praying intentionally (knowingly) prays within the garment which has on it the impurity due to the saying of Allah :

“وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ”
And purify your garments. [Al-muddaththir:4]

And if he did not pray in it intentionally, then the prayer is correct due to what has been authenticated in ‘As-saheeh Al-musnad mim-maa laysa fis saheehayn’ of our sheikh (muqbil) may Allah have mercy on him- that the prophet ﷺ prayed in his shoes which had some impurity on them, so jibreel came (while he was in prayer) and told him that his shoes had something of impurity on them, so he ﷺ took them off during the prayer and he didn’t repeat what he had prayed, and when the companions saw the prophet ﷺ taking off his shoes they took theirs off aswel, so he ﷺ said after completing the prayer: “Why did you do that?” They said : “We saw you take off your shoes, so we took our shoes off”. He ﷺ said : “Verily jibreel had informed me of a impurity on them”

Our proof from the hadeeth is that the prophet ﷺ did not repeat that which he had prayed because he did not intentionally pray in the shoes which had on them impurity, and whoever was not intentional then he does not repeat that which he prayed.

As for other than period blood and postpartum blood, then the correct opinion is that it is not impure, because Allah ordered the prophet ﷺ and his companions to pray on foot or while riding, and they were praying like that: on foot and while riding, and upon confrontation with the enemy they were praying, and upon killing, and it is not possible to that blood would not have been shed, so this one some of this body would get cut, and this one would get killed, and the one who would get cut would still be praying while the blood would pour.

We used this evidence from the action of the companions of the prophet ﷺ and that they would pray on foot and while riding and during confrontation with the enemy, and we left of using as evidence that hadeeth which has the mentioning that the prophet ﷺ was with his brigade and he said: “who will be our guard tonight?” So a man said : “Me”.

So when he began to pray a man came and hit him with some arrows and he carried on praying while blood was pouring from him, due to the hadeeth having a weakness in it, for it is by the way of ‘uqayl bin jaabir bin abdillah Al-ansaari, and he is unknown.

And the summary of this affair is that the blood of the person is not impure except that which has been mentioned previously from that elaboration, the period blood and the postpartum blood.

And to be clean is an affair which is sought :

“إِنَّ الله يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ”
Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.).
[Al-baqarah 222]

Cleaning oneself from filth like blood, spit, snot, and oils which are present on the one who works in a place where there are oils…and the likes of this.

It is recommended to clean as a muslim, purifying ones inside with repentance and the outside with cleanliness.

Translated by : Abu Huthayfah Saamy Al-hindy