Do you have to leave the prayer if you start bleeding?

Answered by our Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Sincere Adviser, Abu ‘Abdirrahman Yahya bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori – may Allaah preserve him –


Should the one praying leave the prayer if a little bit of blood comes out of him during prayer?


The content of this question has already preceded in the first question, so if the blood comes out from the front or the back, then it is waajib to exit the prayer, for verily the majority of the people of knowledge are on the opinion that whatever comes out from the 2 exits from faeces, urine, blood, rocks or other than that….then it is a nullify of the wudhu.

So if it comes out of other than to 2 exits: the front or the back, for example it was to come out of an injury in the body or a nosebleed, then it isn’t impure and it isn’t a nullifier of wudhu, even if it was a lot of filth.

For verily those who see that something vile coming out of the body is a nullifier of wudhu, we have not seen from them one authentic proof from the prophet ﷺ nor a consensus.

There has come a hadeeth that the prophet ﷺ said: “The prayer is to be repeated from blood equivalent to the dirham”

However this hadeeth is mawdoo’ (a fabrication) by consensus of the people of knowledge, the one who has been accused of the fabrication of this hadeeth is ‘ruuh bin ghateef”, as it has been clarified in his biography in the book ‘Al-meezaan’.

Translated by : Abu Huthayfah Saamy Al-hindy

Original Fatwa:
الكنز الثمين في الإجابة على أسئلة طلبة العلم والزائرين” (2″
Under: كتاب الطهارة
Entitled: هل يخرج المصلي من الصلاة لخروج دم يسير من جسده