Clarifying the condition of Al-Khudhayr and Al-Barāk


The Second Question:

You said regarding the two Shaykhs ‘Abdurrahman bin Nāsir Al-Barāk and ‘Abdulkarīm Al-Khudhayr that they are Ikhwāni, some have contested with the notion that they are well known for the Sunnah and calling to the Manhaj of the Salaf, so what occured from them which made this label applicable on them?


As for Al-Barāk: “Haddith wala Haraj”
“Speak with no hesitation”

He is a man who is a Ikhwāni in hiding, to the point that Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhali, who is from the scholars of the Sunnah, may Allah have mercy upon him, said about this Al-Barāk:

“He is Muwajih (directed)…”

Look! Muwajih i.e Madfū’ (thrusted fowarded)

“…by the Ikhwānl Muslimūn”

Or words to this effect.

He is being directed and thrusted forwarded by the Ikhwānl Muflisūn, and he has a connection to Erdogan and the Ikhwāni Mush’il.

And this (man) is the one who encouraged the demonstrations during the days of the Arab Spring in some countries.

This Al-Barāk you want us after this to tell the people that Al-Barāk is Sunni? Take (knowledge) from him?

While he is introducing these poisons and spreading it?

Similarly Al-Khudhayr, yes the man has knowledgebased explanations except if you were to look at some of the information you will find the understanding of the Ikhwānl Muslimūn in it.

I remember once in Dammaj our Shaykh Yahya, may Allah preserve him, was asked regarding ‘Abdulkarīm Al-Khudhayr and some of his Fatāwas, Shaykh Yahya may Allah preserve him mentioned a statement which I remember from that day:

The man:

“Ta’rifu Minhu wa Tunkiru”

“At times you approve [of him] and at times you disapprove.”

He has speech which shakes and causes doubt in the speech of the advisors from Ahlussunnah on Sayid Qutb and Hassan Al-Banna.

The speech of Al-Khudhayr is during his explanations and when questions are put to him, and people have become deceived by these knowledge based explanations, as has been mentioned earlier.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu’ayb – may Allah preserve him –

Answers to Questions put to the Shaykh, Maghrib of Jum’uah the 3rd of Jumadl Uwla, 1442H


Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani