Praying between the Sun and Shade


Is it permissible to pray whilst being between the sun and the shade for example: while you are praying, half of you is in the sun and half of you is in the shade?


The prophet ﷺ prohibited sitting in ‘dhahh’.
I.e: sitting in between the shade and the sun.

And there are some health benefits that have been mentioned in relation to this, that this may cause harm to the one whose half is in the sun and the other half of him is in the shade.

So upon this, do not pray in a place which is in the middle of shade and sun if you are able to. However, if you are needed to complete a row then complete the row even if it is in between the sun and the shade then complete the row and do not leave a row whilst the row before it needs someone to enter it and fill in the gap for verily the prophet ﷺ clearly ordered to fill in the gaps whilst sitting between the sun and shade is merely disliked.

..سدوا الخلل..

Fill in the gaps

[Narrated by Abu dawood]

So It is waajib upon you to fill in the gap and carry this affair which is disliked and you will not be sinful.
In fact, it will no longer remain disliked due to the order (which has come in the aforementioned hadeeth).
So it will not remain disliked as sitting between the sun and the shade is a matter which is disliked only, due to health harms as is well known.
As for filling in the gaps in the row then this is waajib upon you to fulfill.

أتموا الصف الأول فالأول..

Complete the first row then that the next….

[Narrated by An-Nasaaie]

These are orders from the prophet ﷺ, so pray even if you may be between the sun and the shade.

Answered by: Shaykh Abu Bilaal Al-Hadhramy – may Allah preserve him


Answered on: 7th Rabee’ul Awwol 1441

Translated by: Abu Huthayfah Saamy Al-hindy