Praying Witr twice forgetfully


The Imām in Witr prayed the first rak’ah with them and read Suratl-A’lā. Then after it he sat for Tashahhud and made Salām, and noone corrected him after the Salām and he completed the last rak’ah.

Then after the last rak’ah those behind him informed him of his action, so he stood and prayed with them a rak’ah and read Al-Kāfirūn then made the prostration of forgetfulness.

Is his action correct or what was necessary for him to do?

JazākumAllāhu khairan and may Allāh benefit by way of you.


Incorrect because he has seperated between the prayer in which the forgetfulness occured and completed it with another prayer and it’s the rak’ah of Witr.

What is correct – and Allāh knows best – is that they finished their Witr and nothing was upon them.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Bā Shu’ayb -may Allah preserve him-


Translated by: 
Abu ‘Abdillāh ‘Omar bin Yayha Al-‘Akawi