Wordings which have come to be said after standing from rukoo


1 – Rabbanaa Laka Al-Hamd
2 – Rabbanaa wa Laka Al-Hamd.
3 – Allaahumma Rabbanaa Laka. Al-Hamd.
4 – Allaahumma Rabbanaa wa Laka Al-Hamd.

▪️ And it’s for the Imaam and the ones following and the one praying alone.

▪️ Sami’ Allaahu Liman Hamidah, i.e May Allaah respond to the one who calls upon Him.

▪️ The Imaam and the one praying alone say: Sami’ Allaahu Liman Hamidah then they say: Rabbanaa wa Laka Al-Hamd.

▪️ As for the one following then he says: Rabbanaa wa Laka Al-Hamd.

▪️ The addition wa Bihamdika after Tasbeeh in rukoo’ is weak from all routes, but whoever says it due to the previous Hadith of Aa’ishah may Allaah be pleased with her that he said in rukoo’:

سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ، اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي

Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa Bihamdika, Allaahumma ighfir lee

He is not to be rebuked upon.

Benefited from: Shaykh, the Allamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu Abdirrahman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuri – may Allah preserve him.

    Source: https://t.me/sh_yahia_duroos/9913

    Translated by: Abū ‘Abdillāh ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi