The ruling on establishing Jumu’ah twice in the same masjid


May Allah preserve you.

There is a Masjid in London that establishes the Friday prayer twice. The Imām delivers the friday sermon and then prays with the people who then leave, and another set of people then enter where he repeats this for a second time.

What is the ruling of this; despite knowing the Masjid is small in size?


This action is incorrect.

What’s correct is that only one jumu’ah should be established in the masjid, and if it becomes full then the people should pray outside it or go to another masjid.


I then asked the Shaykh:

(هل صلاة الجماعة الثانية صحيحة؟)
Is the prayer of the second set of people correct ?


(غير صحيحة لأنه عمل محدث)
Their prayer is incorrect due to the action being from the newly invented affairs.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shuayb – may Allah preserve him-


Translated by:
Abu Huthayfah Sāmi Al-hindy